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LINEX (Logo #3) のコピー.png
LINEX (Logo #4) のコピー.png

We have absolute confidence of advanced production technology, unrivaled product development and the shortest delivery time comparing any other companies. 

As you know, the reliability of electronic equipment depend on precise inspection of semiconductors.

Our company continue to make the world's smallest spring since its founding. That is why we can offer the best solution for you.

Sample image



Woman's hair → Φ 0.08mm
Spring  OD → Φ 0.06mm


Extremely small spring
Spring  OD  0.06mm~0.200mm


The small spring in the world


Final prodact
X-ray image

Sample image
Contact us

Contact us

Thank you for your inquiry.


| Company name |

LINEX Co., Ltd.

| Date of establishment |

September, 4, 2020

| Capital |

10,000,000 yen

| Business description |

Manufacture of precision parts and assembly

| Address |

2F, 1-4-34, Yako, Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama-city,

Kanagawa 230-0001, Japan

| Contact us |

| Business hours |

9:00am ~ 5:00pm

| Banks of account |

The Bank of Yokohama , Tsurumi Branch

The Bank of Yokohama , Isogo Branch

The Shiba Shinkin Bank , Sitte Branch

Shitteekimae Branch

LINEX Co., Ltd. ©

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